It means – awaking.
Awaking – means work.
And work – means when millions of hands
raise earth to the sun.
It means life.
(words. Just. Marcinkevičius)
• to improve training quality and efficiency;
• to upload old traditions, to spread new school work forms;
• to improve teachers and students’ work conditions.
• to motivate students to get Basic education;
• to create conditions for preparation of studies in secondary educational establishments;
• to develop students’ personality;
• to train ability to apply knowledge in independent life.
From the history of school
The beginning of Marijampolė Secondary School No 7 is 1977. The history of school development is related to the first principal Feliksas Petrauskas who ran school for 15 years.
1992-1995 Vytautas Vaivada took command of school.
1995-1997 Remigijus Kartanas.
1997-2002 Antanas Mikuckis.
Since March 2003, Vladas Klasavičius became the principal of school.
In 2001 school, at the request of school community, became ‘Rytas‘ Secondary School.
By 2010, school educated 31 students` crops, over 1543 school-leavers (among them 10 gold and 16 silver medal winners, 10 students got their school – learning certificates with commendation).
It is a pleasure to remember best of the best:
Alanas Petrauskas– the prizewinner of international chemistry olympiad in Bucharest (1982).
Mindaugas Kliučinskas– the president of international friendship club (1988).
Ramūnas Stepanauskas ir Darius Štitilis – the prizewinners of national youth biologist olimpiad (1989).
Darius Mikalauskas – the best school`s student (1991), the prizewinner of municipal and national physics olimpiad who later helped to computerize the school .
Irmantas Laukaitis – the best school`s student (1994-2000) who graduated from school with commendation.
Simona Launikonytė – best resulted in final examinations (2003-2004), reciter who graduated from school with commendation.
Edgaras Gedeikis – the prizewinner of municipal mathematics, physics, history olimpiads, national contest „What do you know about the Lithuanian army?” prizewinner (2005-2006) who graduated from school with commendation.
Vidmantas Pranka – best resulted in final examinations, the prizewinner of municipal mathematics, physics, history olimpiads, who took part in national history olimpiad (2006-2007), graduated from school with commendation.
Darius Kurlys, Mindaugas Kliučinskas, Jūratė Rėklytė, Linas Šalinskas, Rūta Kiškūnaitė, Tautvydas Launikonis, Giedrė Bilbokaitė, Indrė Baltušytė, Eimantė Geležauskaitė, Karolis Raškauskas, Deimantė Kancieriūtė and others.. – the winners of municipal and national olimpiads and competitions.
On September 1, 2010, the school was reorganized into Marijampolė ‘Rytas‘ Basic School.
The school museum was founded in June, 2010.
Since September 2011, electronic daybook was implemented.
Informacija atnaujinta: 2022-03-30 05:03:41